Gandring & Me

Yup! This post is dedicated to someone who was once very close to me more than a month ago, and even became a part of me.

Mpu Gandring.

I had intended to write this as soon as Angkara is over but the urge to catch up with my lessons told me otherwise. Nevertheless, this is it. I want to write all the facts I know about Gandring but meh… frankly speaking, you can find them out in the Internet. 🙂 Instead, I will just write my impressions on Gandring. How I live with Gandring for several months. And what happened after Angkara.

We had gone through a lot of fantastic moments together. Although I, as the actor, should ‘play’ Gandring in the show, I chose to live with him until the show is over. And along the way, both of us started liking each other. He was a wise man, indeed. He deserves to be called ‘Mpu’. First thing that I noticed from Gandring was his self-esteem. Somehow, I could tell that he pretty much enjoyed being himself and appreciated the things he had done. From that moment, I learned to accept who I am. What I am. But not forgetting to keep growing, keep looking for any room of improvement within me, just like Gandring looking for a better way to forge the keris.

However, Gandring lacked the ability to understand other people. There was this time, where I was feeling very low, not in the mood of doing anything, but he still kept bothering me. Distracting me from my study and else. The result? I got a very bad grade last semester. (Jadi curcol, haha). I couldn’t blame him though. It was just him being himself. Probably this is the only thing I could teach to Gandring: how to sympathize others. He didn’t really listen to me but I believed that he had changed afterward. I noticed how he tried to minimize his strength while throwing the ‘cup’ Gigi made for him. (I am sorry for all the broken ones, Gi 😛 ).

And, despite the fact that Gandring and I only turned up for a few scenes in the show itself, we had so much fun. We didn’t regret each moment we had. “It’s not done yet, boy!”, Gandring said to me at the end of the show. But I knew, at that time, on the stage of SOTA, we had to bid each other farewell. Gandring is Gandring. Arga is Arga. His time is over. But mine isn’t. It’s as simple as that; I told him. I explained to him that he will live inside me, forever. His spirit. His passion. And so, that was the last time I saw him.



Oh! Before I forgot, Gandring and I would like to thank everyone in the ICN 2014 committee. Each of you is a blessing for us. 😀 And to close this long post, I like to put a quote from one of Angkara scriptwriters:

“Gandring itu karakter yang bisa direlate banyak orang sebenarnya haha. Orang yang memiliki passion tinggi terhadap science, art dll pasti memiliki sedikit ‘Gandring’ dalam dirinya, yaitu obsesi terhadap kesempurnaan. Yang membedakan Gandring dari orang biasa adalah apakah dia memiliki teman atau tidak haha” – Jason Limanjaya


“Gandring is a character whom many people can relate to. A person having a passion for science, art, etc. must have a bit of ‘Gandring’ in them, obsessed with perfection. What distinguish Gandring from others is whether they have friends or not haha” – Jason Limanjaya

Quotes Bang Jonkar

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